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education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught

η παιδεία είναι ένα αξιοθαύμαστο πράγμα αλλά είναι καλό να θυμόμαστε από καιρού εις καιρόν ότι τίποτα άξιο μάθησης δε μπορεί να διδαχτεί

doctrina mira est, sed meminisse interdum bonum est nihil quod mereatur cognosci instrui potest

Translation for: a educação é uma coisa maravilhosa, mas de vez em quando é bom lembrar que nada que vale a pena conhecer pode ser ensinado

die Erde hat eine Haut; und diese Haut hat Krankheiten. Eine dieser Krankheiten heisst zum Beispiel: 'Mensch'

η Γη έχει δέρμα και αυτό το δέρμα έχει αρρώστιες. Μια απ'αυτές τις αρρώστιες λέγεται άνθρωπος

terrae cutis est et huic cuti morbi sunt. Quoddam ex his morbis homo appellatur

the earth has a skin and that skin has diseases; one of these diseases is called 'man'

a Terra tem uma pele, e esta pele tem doenças; uma das quais é o homem

(Friedrich Nietzsche)